The mandate of the OCB Board is, in short, to build a shared operational vision for the OCB and, together with the executive, to ensure good governance and accountability of the operational centre. The OCB Board has 15 members: the representatives of the 9 OCB associations and 6 persons directly elected by the MSF OCB members during the OCB Gathering. This year, 2 Board members – Jean-Paul Jemmy and Jackson Naimah - are reaching the end of their mandates.
As every year and as mentioned in the internal rules of the OCB, the appointment of the Bureau of the OCB Board of Directors (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) will take place in the closed session of the OCB Board of Directors after the results of the elections. Any member of the OCB Board can stand for a position in the Bureau.
It is current practice that the President of MSF-B is also the President of the MSF OCB - because of the legal responsibility of MSF-Belgium - but this is not a statutory obligation.
The compostion of the OCB Board is now the following:
Bhelekazi Mdlalose (SA)
Bertrand Draguez (B)
Heidi Christensen (DK)
Renata Santos (BR)
Erlend Grønningen (NW)
Peter Moberger (SW)
Jean Dubois (Lux)
Amaury Grégoire (mandate to 2024)
Below you can find information on the candidates to the OCB Board:
JEMMY Jean-Paul
NAIMAH Jackson
Click here to VOTE (only possible if you are in order with your membership for 2022)