The MSF Association in Belgium


The MSF Belgium Association


By being a member of the MSF association, in Brussels or elsewhere, MSF expats and staff – past and present – take collective responsibility to shape and guide MSF through informed debates and voting on major directions and decisions.

To be a member, you need field or headquarters experience: it is because the people (members) making the decisions on our big directions are current or former field or office staff, that the organisation remains relevant to the needs seen in the field and remains focused on medical care and our core principles.
Check the Criteria to be a member of the MSF association in Belgium.

During the yearly General Assembly of all the members you elect a Board of Directors who represents you and who delegates the day-to-day management of the association and support of operations to the executive which is accountable to you, the members of the association. You also vote on motions and on the budget.

A key moment for the members of the MSF association in Belgium is the General Assembly of MSF Belgium and the OCB Gathering. The General Assembly is the highest decisional body of MSF Belgium and the Gathering is the main platform for the associative governance of the Operational Centre in Brussels (OCB).

The payment of the membership fee is a first gesture to show your commitment to the association and it gives you the right to vote at the MSFB General Assembly and OCB Gathering.

To know more about the association and stay up to date with MSF’s operations, humanitarian challenges and associative activities, go to (login: msf / password: asso)