Volle gas: Access Campaign as a dedicated entity of MSF

Volle gas:

In light of the first iteration model produced by the Access to Medicines Roadmap Project (A2M project), and the lack of inclusive consultation with MSF operations and section offices in the global south, we as the MSF Southern Africa​, Brazil and LatAm associations propose that the A2M architects go back to the drawing board to devise a more transparent and inclusive consultation process strategy, with adequate representation from countries, A2M movement representatives and regions where MSF’s access to medical products works matters most, to ensure improved ways of working coupled with a strengthened connection to MSF’s operations.

Background and explanation:

The ​associations of MSF Southern Africa, Brazil and LatAm submit an urgent motion to be heard at the 2022 GAs and IGA that rejects the current process aimed at dismantling the Access campaign.

The Access Campaign in its current form benefits our operations in different countries on a multitude of disease needs — as first-hand beneficiaries. We recommend the continued existence of the Access Campaign as a dedicated entity of MSF. The Access Campaign’s work on systemic change, like intellectual property and research and development, is in line with our mission, founding principles and with the important agenda on decolonizing MSF.

MSF Southern Africa​, Brazil and LatAm associations