Motion1: Regional coverage of health care for national staff and their dependents


We ask OCB to honor its duty to care by ensuring that regional medical coverage is available for certain staff and/or their dependents with a proven need for care that is not available in the mission country.


Background and explanation:

The health regulations for MSFOCB national staff only refer to care available in the country where the MSF-B mission is located. Referrals and medical recommendations to health care/services outside the mission country are not applied by the mission.

Some conditions that require care not available locally are potentially life-threatening if not provided. This care can be found in bordering countries or in the region of the country of the MSF-B mission.

These exceptional situations of need for care could be analysed on a case-by-case basis in order to find a life-saving formula for national staff in need but at the end of their means of survival.

FAD in Burundi